Often during a photo shoot I take multiple shots over a long period. This is mainly to have a wide choice of shots to use as the best still image. Also certain astro photography techniques such as startrailing or noise reduction stacking require large numbers of individual shots.

These timelapse videos are made by animating the single shots taken primarily for these purposes.

By observing the movements of nature over long periods of time I find it a fascinating and unique insight into the world around us.

Over time I have come to apreciate the beauty of timelapse as a seperate entity to the still shot I was there to create. I am now very mindful of these possibilities when I am at a location and often take far more shots than I need for a still image, purely for this reason.

(Hint: Click the full screen icon to prevent the play button appearing centre frame!)

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  • Damianos Cave Full Spectrum

    16th September 2023

    Damianos Cave full spectrum. My last night in Zante. I discovered this cave earlier in the week and after checking Photopills I discovered the entrance was just about facing the right way for a Milky Way shot.

    When the floodlight came on after setting up I thought I was destined for problems but was amazed to see the light pollution in the camera wasn’t too severe. I think this shows there is often too much concern over light pollution in astrophotography and my advice would be to always just try anyway!

    The light trails under the floodlight weren’t insects, they were bats. While I sat here I enjoyed watching their aerobatics and seeing sudden clear snapshots of them as they flew through the light. They would occasionally see a praying mantis buzzing along in a straight line but would swoop away as they were too big to tackle!

    I took 300 frames from 21:00 - 22.:45 at 19 seconds, f2.8, ISO 3200. I also took lots of light painted foreground shots with a visible spectrum filter but when I saw the colours in the sky frames taken in full spectrum I fell in love with them so very little foreground composite work was needed.

  • Church of Saint Dimitrios

    14th September 2023

    My third night in Zante. The Church of Saint Dimitrios. Foreground in 720nm, sky in full spectrum. After discovering this abandoned church earlier in the day, I had a play with photopills and thought it was such a beautiful location to try a Milky Way shot. So I returned to the hotel and begged an early dinner so I could re-equip and get back before dark. Thanks so much to everyone at the Poseidon Beach Hotel in Laganas, I did this several times and they were so helpful and kind! I took 300 frames from 21:17 - 00:23 at 18 seconds, f2.8, ISO 3200. I spaced each frame 15 seconds apart to maximise the motion of the sky in the timelapse. For making the still image this time space caused problems with stacking so could only use about 30 frames. I used an LED floodlight inside the church for the foreground composite which was taken with a 720nm infrared filter. Most of this composite (apart from the light painting) was stripped away for the timelapse.

  • Star Trail at Cefn Mably Lakes

    14th March 2023

    Tried a hand at fishing with friend and fellow photographer Mary-Ann Farrington but with a perfect clear night, photography had to take priority!

  • Aurora over Carn Brea

    25th February 2023

    Arrived Sunday night about 21.30 and took 400 shots until about 03.00. Cold now has a new definition! I coudn’t actually see the Aurora with the naked eye and was pretty amazed when I saw what the camera had picked up!

  • Wheal Basset Stamps

    28th January 2023

    Arrived here, just a ten minute drive from Camborne and set up in the dark. A very still and silent place and a beautiful morning to visit!

  • All Good Things Come To An End

    17th January 2023

    Only the second morning in my new house and I woke up to thick snow! Filmed over two hours during the first exploration of my new local area!

  • Corfu Double Startrail

    14th September 2022

    Teaching my best mate how to photograph a startrail gave us a unique double view of the same subject.

  • Milky Way at Porth Loe

    31st August 2022

    I got here while still light. This was a tricky shot as I had the receding tide to consider for the foreground as well as the timing for the stars.

  • Harvest at Mawnan Smith

    12th August 2022

    I felt so lucky this night that I was due to start work at 03.30 am just as twilight changed to blue hour. So I had plenty of time to take this shot just a short distance away! It was a full moon so difficult to see many stars but such a beautiful night I couldn’t resist trying!

  • Milky Way at Pedn Vounder

    6th August 2022

    This was my first attempt at shooting the Milky Way with new camera and setup. Pleasing first results but lots to learn!

  • Pepperpot Startrail

    16th July 2022

    A beautiful summer’s night on Portreath cliffs.

  • The Forging of Time

    27th March 2022

    It was a New Moon and a very dark night. Walking through gathered crowds of eyes glowing out of the dark in my head torch, I hoped they were only sheep and cows and no Bodmin Beast!

  • Great Staple Tor

    10th August 2021

    I camped on Great Staple Tor in Dartmoor in order to capture a misty dawn.

  • Doom of the Dinosaurs

    29th August 2021

    I arrived late and had trouble in the dark finding my way to the top. Camped here for the night. Put the tent up but didn’t use it. The view was too good!

  • Colliford Reservoir Moonset

    18th July 2021

    I wanted to do a night photograph here for a long time. The hardest part was finding the trees.

  • Every Light Tells a Story

    12th June 2021

    The title occurred to me as I observed the many lights coming and going over the scene I was photographing. From fishermen on the rocks and monument visitors to distant ships this was a busy night!

  • The Romanie

    26th April 2021

    It was a Full Moon and a very bright night creating moving shadows of all that is left of this Victorian cargo ship. Although I was wishing the the rolling clouds away they added some interesting movement to the sky.

  • Roche Rock Startrail

    10th April 2021

    Dogged by clouds, this was my third attempt to shoot a startrail here. Surprisingly I did manage a short one.

  • Heading West

    5th November 2020

    A week before I moved from Plymouth to Cornwall, I thought of the title of this crisp autumn evening timelapse as a flock of Geese flew overhead from Plymouth and over the water towards Saltash.

  • Drizzlecombe Menhir - A Day in the Life

    22nd October 2020

    Using timelapse as a dramatic illustration of the huge span of time this ancient standing stone on Dartmoor has stood in it’s place.

  • Dawn at Hexworthy

    22nd October 2020

    An early morning timelapse of Sherberton Steps.

  • Twilight Huntsman

    23rd June 2020

    I arrived here at the beginning of golden hour giving myself plenty of time to capture a timelapse of the sunset fading into night.

  • Windy Post Dawn

    24th January 2020

    I arrived while still dark on a freezing cold January morning. It turned out to be well worth it after a beautiful morning.

  • Dramatic Dartmoor Trailer

    Dramatic Dartmoor showcases some of Dartmoor’s most spectacular locations at the most dramatic times of day or night. Using timelapse video to emphasise the change in light, colour, temperature and weather to create the enduring beauty of this unique national park.

  • Emsworthy Startrail and Sunrise

    25th May 2020

    Beware of the ponies here! The boy in this video had a very curious nature and I had to use all my force to keep him away from the camera on it’s tripod. He later bit another walker!

  • A day at Brent Tor Church

    30th December 2019

    During December, with the shortest days of the year I tried to capture in timelapse and entire day from sunrise to sunset at this incredible location.

  • Men An Tol Startrail

    1st September 2019

    The mysterious ancient structure of Men An Tol made the perfect subject with the ever decreasing circles of a startrail sky to mirror the granite ring.

  • Sunrise at St Michael's Mount

    2nd September 2020

    After shooting the Men An Tol startrail I made it here long before sunrise. Timing the tide was very tricky. I had to estimate where the sea level would be at sunrise and wade waste deep into the sea holding the tripod against any possible waves to wait for the sun!

  • British Firework Championships, Plymouth Hoe

    15th August 2019

    I tried to capture the spirit of Plymouth during the annual firework championships. The view across the water from here at Mount Batten created some beautiful reflections of the fireworks and added some interesting movement from the boats especially with the arrival of the Brittany Ferry!

  • Trethevy Quoit Startrail

    27th July 2019

    My second attempt at a startrail brought me to this impressive megalithic structure.

  • Sunrise at Postbridge

    7th July 2019

    The unpredictable weather on Dartmoor gave me this dramatic passing cloudscape as I waited for the sun.

  • Sunset at St Enodoc's Church

    6th June 2019

    After taking multiple shots of this beautiful church on Cornwall’s north coast throughout golden hour this was the first timelapse video I attempted to make. I still love the movement of the clouds in this one.

  • Ten Commandments Startrail

    26th May 2019

    My first attempt at astrophotography was probably also my coldest! After enduring a sleepless night on a windy tor the results nevertheless got me instantly hooked!